How many of us know that feeling when you don't get the answer you were expecting? Or not the way you were necessarily expecting it? That is life a lot of times right. Probably most times. That is what makes it wonderful! The way situations in life come together to complete pictures we could only imagine in our hearts. The way God births realities in ways we could never orchestrate of our own power. Nor would the routes He chooses ever fall under our natural will.
I am more cognizant of this, after a few weeks in Vegas have led to the realization that I am staying longer than I intended and without a date to say when it will come to an end (that is not months away). I have to learn how to live life here again. I have to adjust. I have to trust that the change in me and all the differences supercede the 'normal' routine of an old life. I have to be confident that I am present here for this season, for multiple reasons and continue seeking God's heart starting with what is most tangible. Because sometimes it really is that simple.

Some days, I miss Kona and the relationships that I built and lived in there. Some nights, I miss Cambodia and the priceless investments planted in the rich soil there. I remember those days and nights when I missed Vegas, though. Here I am. Now, what am I going to do? Ms. Kortney Krugar (one of those lovely homes I found in the form of my sweet Awaken friend) put it so well the other day in a quick text, "...pursuing it back home, it's so easy to do it when that's the culture we were a part of and we had much encouragement along the way but now it's like: Home is where it begins. It's a challenge but I think without going for it at home, it will never become part of us!"
*Turns out this wasn't as accurate as we thought. Because, True Justice Bundra is very much a boy, we came to find out . Haha!
Victoria, so well put. I love reading your blogs, and I'm so happy you are right where you are. For now. He's got it all figured out.