Friday, March 7, 2014

Broken Vessels & Communion Crackers: Part 1

Then Mary tool a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus' feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance. - John  12:3
What if my following the light and honoring Jesus for who He was on this earth and who He continues to be by way of the Holy Spirit inside of me, is actually hinged on my viewing 'losing my life' the way Mary did. That nothing compares to Jesus. That in spite of fear and social stigmas, I can give him everything I have especially when it doesn't make the most sense.

Especially when it seems like I am too much of  a mess, because Jesus is drawn to my brokenness. He finds joy in my weakness (as sick as that sounds). What I can't do for myself brings Him glory, because His Spirit gets to move in and through and to me to bring about the impossible. Simply by my receiving the strength He offers and choosing to walk in it.

Because God loves broken people. So much so that  he uses them to tell other broken people about himself. He purposefully picks the cracked stones to build His house. He welcomes the mess. No matter how useless we think we are, reality says as long as we are centered around Jesus our foundation is strong.

Because truly broken people know they need Jesus. When I am like Mary, there is this unavoidable awareness of my sin. I  know that I know I am screwed up and  putting my face to the ground is a natural response- I am literally composed of dirt anyway.

 Because God used and continues to use broken people to advance his kingdom. A prostitute wasting expensive perfume on Jesus' feet is just one picture. There is something to knowing you're wretched and undeserving but still bringing it before his feet. Lavishing him with whatever love you have left because he did it first.

Jesus replied, " Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."- John 12:7-8

Look at the disciples. All messed up, jacked up, broken people.
Yet, they all were loved. But what of their response to Love? What did they choose to do in light of their brokenness? What will I choose in this present reality?

Regardless of what is visible on the outside. Beside the things we think we know. Etched on our hearts is this undeniable truth:
"I am loved." 
If only we would listen, we could respond rightly. For in understanding this, like Mary, we are compelled by the reality that all else is for naught. And so we choose to come alive.